Saturday, April 18, 2009

making if brief

after weeks of throwing concepts around for my design studio 1a task i have finally come up with a concrete design. i should probably introduce you with the brief despite the projects due date closing in on me.. 

Your task is that of a placemaker.  Your task is to consider and act upon how 

architecture can reinforce the potential significance.  


The speaker and their words constitute the ‘real’ significance; however, your role is crucial in giving material substance to the nature and character of this significance and embodying and expressing the importance of this particular occasion. 


You are being asked to be the architect for the immediate environs of the speech.  Your task is to design the following elements of this place ; 


  -The platform or stage area. 

  -The seats. (For the speaker plus four other people) 

  -The place to hold the papers for the speech.

Your architectural design must address the shape, size, materials, composition and 

disposition of the built elements.  Architecturally you must consider these parameters ; 


-The speaker’s relation to the audience. 


-The very nature of the speech, and its architectural 



-Seating for the speaker, plus four other people who must be 

within three metres of the speaking position. 


 -A place to hold the speaker’s papers. 


The drawings for this project must be submitted to the Red Boxes by 12.00 noon on 20 April 2009, where they must be signed-in and recorded.  Remember you must have copies of your work, and this should include photos of your model.  The models will be collected, and recorded, during studio session of the submission day 20th April 2009. 


There will be a full class review of this project during the Studio Session of 20th April 2009, at which all students will present their work, and review and minute the work of colleagues.  There will be minutes taken and distributed at this session, and these are of great value in understanding your work with its strengths and weaknesses.  


This project is worth 35% of the total marks for this unit. 

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